Monday, October 29, 2012

Giving Attention

Giving Attention

X : You look fresher after coming back from holiday.
Y : Do I? Well you’re right about taking a holiday. It’s exhilarating and relaxing.
X : so, what was the most unforgettable moment you had during the holiday?
Y : When I did white water sport. It was frightening, but exciting as well.
X : Really? That sport really pumps our ardenalin.
Y : You’re  right.
            In the dialog, the girl says. “You look fresher after coming back from holiday.” The sentence is used to show the girls’s attention to the boy  who look fresher. Meanwhile, her sentence “Really? That sport really pumps our ardenalin.” Expresses her attention to the boy’s story that he did white water sport.
Here are some expression to show our attention to other people.
Giving Attention
            What should I do to cheer  you up?                   
         I really care about you.
         Don’t worry. I’m with you.
         What’s wrong with you?
         Hope you will be fine.
         Are you O.K/fine?
         Wow! That’s great.
         Nice hair style !
         Do you?/Are you?/Did you 
         Well, you can tell me an amusing story.
         Yes, you do. And I’m very grateful for that.
         Thank you very much.
         Nothink, I’m fine.
         Thank you.
         Yes I’m O.K/No, I’m not feeling well.
         It is.
         Yes, I do/I am/I did

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