Thursday, October 18, 2012





 Understanding Announcement
             The announcement is a letter addressed to the public, a group of audience without having to know who and how many readers, and anyone has the right to read, but not all readers were concerned. Pengumman made ​​to communicate or inform the ideas, thoughts to others. The announcement is one part of the letter which are distinguished by the number of targets.
             Finoza (1995: 106) argues that the announcement was a letter containing the notice to the people that need to be known by anyone with an interest in accordance with the contents of the announcement. This is the official announcement regarding the content aspects of the office, whether made by the agency / organization or by someone. This announcement is similar to edran letter which serves to deliver the information, which distinguishes it is the goal, circulars delivered to certain parties only fair to know its contents, while the announcement can be seen or read by everyone even though not everyone is interested in * with the contents of the announcement.
             Announcements are usually posted on the bulletin boards, in newspapers, or in other public places. In the Balinese language called pakeling announcement or set piuning. This announcement is a tool to notify and inform the activities of others. Pakeling or set piuning is very useful when a person or an organization or agency has a particular activity, such as ceremonies, intend for this activity can be known by many people.
  Principles of Notice
             To make a good announcement, announcement makers must know the announcement points, namely:
1) The purpose of the announcement,
2) The content of the announcement,
3) Target announcement,
4) The media used,
5) Language announcements,
6) The form of the announcement, and
7) The objective Announcement
             Purpose of the announcement is something that is desired or desirable in an announcement. Messages or information presented in this announcement should be true, clear,
and in accordance with the purpose of the announcement.

   Contents Announcement
The content includes announcements about the content and purpose of the announcement was made. More detail can be seen as follows.
 1. The parts Announcements
      As for the parts that are very important in an announcement that should exist in every announcement are:  
(1) the head of the announcement,
(2) agency announcement, and
 (3) feet announcements.

Explained as follows.
1.     Head Announcement
The letterhead or letterhead is very important, useful, and has several functions, namely as a means of identification in order for an organization or agency easily recognized by the public, who usually have a special logo as a hallmark. The letterhead is also a tool for providing the information in the letterhead bearing the name of the organization or agency, logo, address, and phone number.

Village Pakraman State
Br. Upgrading, Batuan Village, district Sukawati

2. Board Announcements
       In the body of the announcement, there are several elements, namelygreeting, the content of the announcement, and the announcement of the foot. These are discussed one by one.
a) Greeting
         Greeting is part of a letter form the preface to initiate a conversation by mail as well as someone who began his speech. Greeting serves as a mark of respect authors before starting to speak, as well as a means of maintaining and nurturing relationships, as well as get to know the character or nature of a person.
Om Swastyastu,
 'Oh my God that is in happiness,'

b) Contents Announcement
         Contents of announcement usually consists of three parts as follows.

Opening sentence or Introduction
Opening or introductory sentence are the words or phrases that are used to deliver the content of a conversation through the announcement. Quantity appetizer or preliminary announcement serves to deliver the content (subject matter) that the recipient knows that the real reason for this letter and the reader's attention to the substance of the announcement.
Set piuning titiang majeng ring ida dane sameton sareng sinamian, mungguing usaba kamargiang sakadi dudonan village guard ring puniki sor.
  "My announcement to all citizens, about usaba village will be conducted in the order below. '

Indeed contents
This section will contain everything that the author delivered in full. Through the content of this announcement the reader knows all intents and purposes the announcement.
To compose a good announcement, the technique of writing this announcement should consider the following points.
a. Creating sequences mean that would be submitted.
b. Establish in one paragraph intent and tuuan delivered.
c. Avoid the use of less effective sentences such abbreviation or acronym.
d. Understanding the shape announcements and writing.
The announcement will be made should be short and clear so as not to disrupt the main purpose of delivering the announcement.

c) Closing Lines
final part covers the content of the announcement, which serves as the key to ending the contents of the announcement. A final word may contain conclusions, affirmation, apologies, expectations, or other related things that have been submitted previously.

3. The Foot
The legs are closing greeting announcement, in which closing salutation this should be adjusted to the greeting, besides the legs announcement contains the name of the town where the announcement was issued, date, month, year issued, the name of the signatory and signatory position.

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